In this picture there is face of Apsara appearing from a hole of a jungle tree.. This is from the Temple
Ta Prom...the temple of Brahma. This site is being restored by Government of India.. Actually this is the fate of Angkor Wat group of temples in Cambodia. Due to neglect..the mighty temples of Angkor were overpowered by giant trees of the region....

This picture is a perfect symbol of getting back to the dominance... Nature takes it turn to grab its teritories...This is also from the site Ta Prom...The temple of Brahma...

The temples of Angkor region are full of these Apsaras....their hair style are very unique..I think due to this very reason Conservation Authority in Angkor is named
Apsara authority...

This is the bold and mighty stroke of the great painter nature....This is also from ta Prom..It is in the fourth enclosure....Ta Prom temple has maximum number of enclosures in Angkor group of temples....Main Angkor Wat temple has also only four...

This wall carving is from main
Angkor Wat temple...On the Mahabharta panel one can see the SharShaiyya of Bhishma....

Great Engineers of ASI...they are leading the team from India which is doing restoration work at Ta Prom

This is the west entrance gate of Ta Prom temple....Bacuase of this face perhaps people started calling this site Ta Prom....

Here the jungle has regained its area.... Ta Prom Site

We thought it was the idea of Ramanand Sagar..but you can see here ....in the Angkorwat panel this man is having many Shar at one go...may be Ramanand Sagar visited this site for research

This is the conversion of Buddhsit image inti Hindu image..communalism prevailed even 1000 years back and in its cruel form....

The Apsaras are telling me to write much more about this site....so please wait for some more posts here....

A small relic at Angkor Wat temple....

A view of main Angkor Wat temple from the entance.....

And here I come..to keep you posted on Angkor Wat group of temples.....